Cessió d'espais | Normes d'ús | Polítiques de Seguretat |
Research Group: Celestial Mechanics |
Important: The person in charge of this web space assigned mecanicaceleste.uji.es, Professor José Antonio López Ortí communicates to the visitors of this website that the veracity, accuracy and updating of the contents here provided is his responsibility. University Jaume I of Castellón cannot be held responsible in any case for the possible damages or losses that may derive from them. |
Series de Poisson |
Associated_Legendre_functions.nb |
Int_Gen_R.nb |
Int_Gen_C.nb |
Spherical_harmonics_real_form.nb |
Spherical_harmonics_complex_form.nb |
taylor_poisson c++ class |
Servei d'Informàtica | UNIVERSITAT JAUME I |